District Information

A. Full Legal Name: Capital Region Community Development District

B. Public Purpose: The Capital Region Community Development District is a local, special purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes as amended, and created by Rule on February 28, 2000 as an alternative method of planning, acquiring, operating and maintaining community-wide improvements in planned communities. The Capital Region CDD has been granted those general powers defined in Section 190.011, Florida Statutes, as well as those special powers defined in Section 190.012(1) and (2)(a), (d), and (e), Florida Statutes, all as more particularly described in the Leon County Ordinance. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO CHAPTER 190, F.S.

C. Fiscal Year: October 1 through September 30

D. District Establishment on February 28, 2000 by RULE 42CC-1. Contact Info for District: James Oliver, Governmental Management Services 475 West Town Place, Suite 114 St. Augustine, Florida 32092 Tel: (904) 940-5850 X 409 Fax: (904) 940-5899

E. Website: www.capitalregioncdd.com

F. Map of the District

G. Taxes, Fees, and Assessments: Assessments are collected Pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 170.

H. Primary Contact Info:
Jim Oliver
Governmental Management Services
475 West Town Place, Suite 114
St. Augustine, Florida 32092
Tel: (904) 940-5850 X 406

I. Code of Ethics

J. Budgets and Amendments

K. Audit Reports

L. Department of Financial Services – Local Governments

The Capital Region Community Development District (CDD) serves Southwood by operating and maintaining public spaces and making community-wide improvements. The CDD is a local special purpose government entity authorized by Florida Statutes, Ch. 190.

Improvements that have been financed and constructed by the CDD include roadways, stormwater management facilities, open spaces and recreational areas – with the exceptions of the pool and golf course. The CDD owns and continues to maintain the community’s alleyways, and stormwater management facilities, as well as the open spaces and recreational areas. While the CDD built many of the roadways in Southwood, most are now owned and maintained by the City of Tallahassee.

The CDD’s governing body is a five-member Board of Supervisors. The Board establishes the district’s policy in accordance with Florida law. Staff members administer the operations of the district and implement the Board’s policies and contracts.

map showing CDD boundaries

Board of Supervisors


Seat 4

Charles “Chuck” Urban

3670 Mossy Creek Lane
Tallahassee, Florida 32311


Term Expires:  11/2026

Seat 1

Matthew Vogel

2451 Orange Avenue
Tallahassee, Florida 32311


Term Expires:  11/2024

Seat 2

Susan Burns

3090 Dickinson Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32311


Term Expires:  11/2026

Seat 5

Kyle Rojas

4072 Shady Vie Lane 
Tallahassee, Florida 32311  


Term Expires: 11/2026

Seat 3

District Contacts

Jim Oliver
District Manager

Governmental Management Services


Jim helps with overall CDD management, budget oversight and meeting management.





Corbin deNagy
Operations Manager

cdenagy@gmsnf.comopens in a new window

Governmental Management Services

Corbin is the main contact for maintenance-related items throughout Southwood.

Sarah R. Sandy
District Counsel

Kutak Rock LLP

sarah.sandy@kutakrock.comopens in a new window

Sarah provides legal counsel to the district.

Keith Danton
District Engineer

Dantin Consulting, LLC


Keith provides professional engineering consulting services to the district on items related to planning and development.

Board of Supervisors Meeting Dates

The Board of Supervisors of the Capital Region Community Development District (“Southwood Community”) will hold their regularly scheduled public meetings for Fiscal Year 2024 at the Southwood Community Center, 4675 Grove Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32311 at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month as follows or otherwise noted:

October 12, 2023

November 9, 2023

December 14, 2023 – CANCELED

January 11, 2024

February 8, 2024

March 7, 2024 (1st Thursday)

April 11, 2024

May 9, 2024

June 13, 2024

July 11, 2024

August 15, 2024

September 12, 2024

These meetings are publicly noticed and open to the public. They may be continued as deemed necessary. There may be occasions when one or more Supervisors will participate by telephone. Supervisors may attend the meeting by telephone as long as there is a quorum present at the meeting place. Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in these meetings because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the District Office at 904.288.9130 at least five calendar days prior to the meeting. 

Any person who decides to appeal any action taken at these meetings is advised that person will need a record of the proceedings and that accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based.

Resources for Southwood Residents

Rules and Policies for Dog Park
PDF Text

2018 Special District Public Facilities Report
PDF | Text

2016 Pond Study
PDF |Text

2016 Stormwater Management Study
PDF | Text

2014 Rules of Procedure
PDF | Text

Community Development District FAQ

What does the CDD do?

The CDD was established to finance, construct, acquire, operate and maintain public infrastructure necessary for the development of Southwood. Currently, the CDD primarily operates and maintains stormwater infrastructure; parks (including Central Park and the Tot Lot), open/green spaces, other landscaping and conservation areas; and alleyways. The CDD constructed most of the roads within Southwood, but those roads have since been transferred to the City of Tallahassee for ownership and maintenance. The CDD does not own or operate the tennis courts, pool or clubhouse/community center; these are HOA facilities.

Who do I call about street light outages?

The City of Tallahassee is responsible for replacing street light bulbs. You can report them through the City’s app, http://www.talgov.com/Main/digitally.aspx. You can also let the District Office know so staff can let the City know about the outage. The CDD does not maintain the street lights.

Who is responsible for street trees?

The CDD maintains street trees on defined “backbone” roads. Other street trees are the responsibility of adjacent landowners under the recorded covenants and conditions for the Southwood community. If you have questions regarding responsibility for maintenance of street trees, please contact the District Office for the list of approved trees.

If I see something dangerous, who should I call?

If you have an emergency, please dial 911. For non-emergencies, call the Tallahassee Police Department at 850-891-4200. If you encounter dangerous wildlife, including but not limited to alligators, water moccasins, wild boars or coyotes, you can find information about reporting to the Florida Wildlife Commission at http://myfwc.com/contact/nuisance-wildlife/.

Can I drive my golf cart on the trails and green spaces?

According to the City of Tallahassee’s ordinance on golf carts (PDF | Text), these vehicles are not supposed to be driven on nature trails or sidewalks, as well as a few specific roads listed in the ordinance. The CDD also has a general policy that prohibits use of motorized vehicles on CDD property other than on designated roads, parking areas, or by authorized CDD or City personnel. Golf carts can also be very destructive to our green spaces if they are not driven responsibly.

Who takes care of the pool and the community center?

The HOA manages the Southwood pool and the Southwood community center.

Can I have a private birthday party at the Tot Lot?

The Tot Lot is a public space, as are all of the CDD’s amenities (including Central Park and the Central Park Lake). Residents are not allowed to bar or prevent others from enjoying the facilities. Also, the CDD’s policies generally prohibit organized, planned events intended to attract 10 or more people at any one time unless a special use application has been submitted and approved by the CDD.

What kind of security does Southwood have?

The CDD works with the Tallahassee Police Department to provide additional patrols in our community during specific times, like during trick-or-treating on Halloween to ensure safety. The CDD pays for these expenses from special assessments collected as part of homeowners’ tax bills.

Can we do more to enforce the speed limit in Southwood?

The CDD does not have the power to enforce traffic laws. You can report speeding vehicles to the Tallahassee Police Department at 850-891-4200 or online at www.talgov.com.

How can we prevent overfishing of our ponds and lakes?

“Catch and Release” is not a state law; it’s a guideline. The District has no legal authority to enforce this recommended guideline. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission will enforce licensing and state bag limits, which include species, size and quantity.

Management Services

Governmental Management Services LLC

Governmental Management Services (GMS) is a family of limited liability companies that was established on November 26, 2004 for the purpose of providing special district management services to Community Development Districts (CDD). GMS currently has offices in Orlando, St. Cloud, Ft. Lauderdale, Tallahassee, Port St. Lucie, St. Augustine, and Jacksonville, Florida, and Knoxville, Tennessee. GMS currently manages over 130 Community Development Districts across the State of Florida.
